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University researchers implement research, experimental development, and innovation (R & D & I) projects and contracts commissioned by different institutions to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural growth of the country and to solve issues relevant to society with new scientific knowledge and inventions.

Healthcare sector

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KTU researchers carry out most of their scientific activities in medicine. Researchers are applying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to disease diagnosis, medical image processing, and segmentation, developing different prediction models, intelligent patient monitoring, decision-making, and assistance systems. KTU researchers apply machine learning algorithms to diagnose oncological diseases, while also multiple sclerosis, solving artificial insemination problem.

Researchers are also developing innovative wearable health monitoring devices. Devices can assess the level of pain experienced by patients, monitor and evaluate the condition of patients with chronic kidney disease, and identify triggers for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Researchers working at the KTU Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences have extensive experience in applying nanotechnologies and AI technologies in radiology.

Business sector


One of the most important strategic goals of the KTU Artificial Intelligence Centre is to strengthen cooperation and create greater synergy between higher education and business. The experience of KTU researchers can be useful for the country’s business and industry sector, moving their activities to a higher level of digitisation. AI researchers can develop intelligent solutions to automate or robotise different processes required for defect and anomaly detection, large-scale data processing, intelligent control systems, and more.

Public sector


The application of artificial intelligence in the public sector has great potential. There are many areas in which artificial intelligence solutions could contribute to more efficient decision-making, from traffic management, intelligent parking systems to IoT technologies in physical devices (such as waste container).

Unfortunately, when comparing the extent to which IoT solutions are applied in the economy or the private sector, the public sector in Lithuania integrates artificial intelligence technologies rather slowly and cautiously. KTU artificial intelligence researchers aim to respond to the needs of both business and the public sector and offer them personalised solutions. University researchers have experience developing intelligent traffic control and monitoring systems, pension fund regulation models, forecasting and data analysis models for the State Tax Inspectorate, and others.

Other sectors


Besides the medical, business, and public sectors, the researches of University carry out in-depth fundamental and applied research in the communications, agriculture, legal and other sectors. KTU researchers have a lot of experience developing automatic Lithuanian language analysis tools, automatic Lithuanian text editors, intelligent systems for automatic management, information processing and control in crop production, animal husbandry, and forestry.

Below are examples of projects previously carried out by KTU researchers, which are related to the application of artificial intelligence, and the possibilities of applying the developed solutions in the above-mentioned sectors.

  • Objective Assessment of Physiological Response to Pain Using Machine Learning Technologies, KTU – LSMU, duration: 2021. More
  • Wearable technology for personalized identification and management of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation triggers – TriggersAF, duration: 2020–2023. More
  • Personalized wearable technologies for evaluating life threatening health conditions in chronic kidney disease patients – KidneyLife, duration: 2018–2021. More
  • Intelligent control system platform for recombinant protein synthesis processes, duration: 2018– 2021. More
  • R&D of Cell Nucleus Detection Model Based on Artificial Intelligence (DItect), duration: 2019–2020. More
  • Modelling and Optimization of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSc) 3D Expansion Process (ModelStem), duration: 2015–2017. More