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Smart Cloud Application Framework (SCAF)

The project will create a new application framework, which will reduce the cost of creating new applications. The main focus of the project is the use of advanced technologies (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) for qualitatively new, intelligent features, which enable applications to perform various operations that accelerate activities with minimal human intervention.

Project funding:

This research project is funded by European Regional Development Fund according to the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments under measure No. J05-LVPA-K “Intellect. Joint Science-Business Projects”

Project coordinator: Company “Sekasoft”

Project partners: Kaunas University of Technology

Duration 2017–2018
Head of project
Rimantas Butleris
Researches Rita Butkienė, Evaldas Vaičiukynas and others