To promote fundamental and applied research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), the results of which would lead to the development of innovative products with real practical application and commercial potential, KTU established the Artificial Intelligence Excellence Centre,
Today, the development of AI is among the priorities of the European Union and Lithuanian policies. Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Strategy indicates the creation of a national AI research centre and infrastructure as one of the major steps for implementation of the Strategy.
The KTU AI Excellence Centre is responsible for University policies development and activities coordination related to AI development, including the promotion and services of the project, non-formal education, and the representation of the University in national and international organisations and working parties.
The AI Excellence Centre aims to meet the needs of business and society, to develop and integrate AI solutions that allow to solving different problems in industry, medicine, and the public sector.
Cooperating with business partners, The AI Excellence Centre seeks to contribute to the development of the Lithuanian AI ecosystem. There is also a strong focus on stimulating young researchers’ – undergraduate and postgraduate students – interest in AI. The aim is to encourage their involvement in problem solving and research.